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Environmental Justice

The Sac Metro Air District seeks to ensure fair treatment of all people regardless of race, color, national origin or income, in the development of environmental policies and plans that affect the places people live, work, play and learn.

The Sac Metro Air District Board of Directors adopted an Environmental Justice (EJ) Policy in April 2006 and a corresponding Implementation Plan in July 2006.

Environmental Justice Goal

  • Integrate environmental justice into all programs, policies, and regulations.
  • Improve outreach and education.
  • Work toward meeting health-based air quality standards and reduce health risks from toxic air pollutants in all communities, including low-income and minority communities, through adoption of control measures and promotion of pollution prevention programs.
  • Ensure that enforcement and permitting activities are consistent and fair.
  • Assess, consider, and reduce emissions, exposures, and health risks when developing and implementing programs.
  • Work with local land use agencies, transportation agencies, and others to develop ways to assess and reduce cumulative emissions, exposures, and health risks from air pollution through general plans, discretionary project review, permitting, and other local actions.

Below are PDF versions of the EJ Policy and Implementation Plan as well as Public Participation Handbooks in both English and Spanish, which describe the most common functions of the Sac Metro Air District designed to help facilitate involvement by all communities within its jurisdiction.

Related Incentive Programs

The following programs have specific provisions directing funding to Environmental Justice or related areas:

  • Carl Moyer Program: Funds (for low-emission engine technology for heavy-duty vehicles and mobile off-road equipment ) must be distributed such that at least 50% will directly benefit low-income communities and communities of color that are disproportionately impacted by air pollution.
  • The Sac Metro Air District Wood Stove / Fireplace Change Out Incentive Program: Requires that 50% of the funding must go to Environmental Justice areas.

View the Incentive Programs page for more information on these programs.

Related Projects
  • Urban Heat Project: Extreme heat, in terms of natural disasters, is the number one killer in the US and world. As in true in most places, heat burdens disproportionately fall on poor and BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, and other persons of color) communities. A history of racially biased policies and funding allocations leaves the region today with an uneven distribution of high-heat buildings and pavements and shady trees canopies and parks. The Sac Metro Air District’s Urban Heat Report works to build awareness of the communities suffering most from urban heat and analyzes a variety of solutions that can cool the region. Empowering communities to guide government heat planning is crucial as we work towards a healthier, more just Capital Region.

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