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GHG Handbook & CalEEMod Update Project

The Sac Metro Air District is pleased to present the final ​2024 Handbook for Analyzing Greenhouse Gas Emission Reductions, Assessing Climate Vulnerabilities, and Advancing Health and Equity​​​​ ​​(GHG Handbook). This document updates the 2021 GHG Handbook, which is widely used by local governments across California to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from new land use development projects and to create climate action plans, master plans, and general plans. The 2024 edition of the GHG Handbook was unanimously adopted by the California Air Pollution Control Officers Association (CAPCOA) Board of Directors at their November 21, 2024, meeting. 

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​The Sac Metro Air District is leading a comprehensive update of the 2021 GHG Handbook and the California Emissions Estimator Model (CalEEMod). The update incorporates new GHG mitigation strategies and refreshes quantification methods and underlying data. In addition, the GHG Handbook and CalEEMod incorporate analysis of climate hazards and health and equity to better align with State of California environmental justice and climate adaptation policies and goals. 


Key Features of the GHG Handbook

  • Factsheets, formulas, and guidance to calculate GHG reductions from over 85 GHG mitigation strategies. 
  • Updated emissions factors and data tables on energy, transportation, and water use to support GHG calculations. 
  • A methodology and worksheet to help estimate the climate vulnerabilities and exposures of land use projects as well as the risk reduction potential of adaptation strategies. 
  • Recommendations to help support equity in both the process and outcomes of land use development, by centering planning and engagement around community needs and priorities, increasing inclusivity and diversity in outreach, and implementing strategies for cleaner air, local jobs, a more accessible environment, climate resilience, and more. 
  • Provides greater user accessibility through compliance with Web Content Accessibility Guidelines as outlined by AB 434.  

View the Final GHG Handbook

You can download the Final GHG Handbook here:

2024 Final Handbook​_AB434.pdf.

If you have any questions, please contact caleemod [at] 

Project Background 

The project​ is funded by a Caltrans SB-1 Adaptation Planning Grant, with additional support from the Bay Area Air Quality Management District, the California Department of Public Health, and the Environmental Protection Agency. The 2024 Handbook update began in July 2023 and concluded in December 2024. The project team consists of staff from Sac Metro Air District, ICF Jones &​ Stokes, Inc., Fehr & Peers, Sonoma Technologies Inc. (STI), and Ramboll Americas Engineering Solutions, Inc. Sac Metro Air District would also like to thank the members of the project technical advisory committee, who have provided insight, guidance, and expertise with this project. 

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