The SFNA is currently classified as a Serious (86 FR 59648) nonattainment area. Preliminary photochemical modeling results do not support the attainment by the Serious classification deadline. As a result, the SFNA air districts have requested a voluntary reclassification to Severe and the request is pending EPA's approval. The voluntary reclassification letters are available here: Air Districts to CARB (pdf) and CARB to EPA (pdf).
7 The SFNA air districts approved this plan in October 2017 and CARB approved the Plan on 11/16/2017.
6 This was a statewide plan, which included the SFNA. It addressed outstanding legal issues such as establishing a base year of 2017 (instead of 2018) and establishing contingency measures.
EPA approved both of these plans in 86 FR 58581. Final action on the contingency measures element was deferred due to the 9th Circuit Court decision ( 08/26/2021), which found that EPA's contingency measure approach reflected an unreasonable interpretation of the CAA and was arbitrary and capricious because it provided a nominal emission reductions. EPA disapproved the contingency measures portion of the Plan on 06/15/2023 (88 FR 39179).
The United States Court of Appeals Court decision (02/16/2018) requires full compliance with all five conditions in CAA §107(d)(3)(E) including the need to develop a Maintenance Plan.
3 Approved by all SFNA air districts but never submitted to EPA due to exceedance in 2013.
2 The triennial assessment reports the level of air quality improvement and the quantities of emission reductions achieved from control measures for the preceding three-year period.
California Health and Safety Code (CHSC) section 40924(a) requires districts to prepare an Annual Progress Report and submit the report to the CARB summarizing its progress in meeting the schedules for developing, adopting, and implementing the air pollution control measures contained in the district's Triennial Reports by 12/31 of each year.
Action taken by CARB on these items, including staff reports, resolutions, submittal letters to EPA and public hearing notices can be found