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Nonattainment Area Maps

​The map below is an interactive ArcGIS map. It shows the SFNA air districts boundaries, the nonattainment area planning boundaries for ozone, PM10, and PM2.5, and the monitoring stations within the nonattainment area. By clicking on the double arrow on upper left of the map you can toggle on and off the features that you want to display on the map.
SFNA: Sacramento Federal Nonattainment Area
NAA: Nonattainment Area
Ozone (O3) boundary was defined under 83 FR 25776 on 06/04/2018
Fine Particulate Matter (PM2.5) boundary was defined under 79 FR 31566 on 06/02/2014
Coarse Particulate Matter (PM10) bounday was defined under  58 FR 67334 on 12/21/1993

GIS Shapefile
The table below includes shapefiles used in the map above for the Sacramento Nonattainment Area boundaries.

​Criteria Pollutant​GIS Shapefile (zip format)
​Ozone (O3)
​Fine Particualte Matter (PM2.5)
​Coarse Particulate Matter (PM10)

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