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Board of Directors - Meetings

​Agenda​s, Minutes, and Schedule


2024 Meeting Schedule​​

The Sac Metro Air District Governing Board typically meets on the fourth Thursday of the month at 9:00 a.m. in the Sacramento County Board of Supervisors Chambers at 700 H Street, Sacramento, CA. Closed sessions, when necessary, are typically held immediately following the regular meeting.

​January 25​
​July 25
​February 22
​August 22
​March 28
​September 26
​April 25
​October 24
​May 23
​November - No Meeting
​June 27 - Canceled
​December - No Meeting

Public ​​Participation

​Members of the public are welcome to participate in ​meetings through various means:​

  • ​In-Person: Attend the meeting at the designated location*.

  • Video Conference: Join via Zoom.

  • Conference Line: Call in to participate.

  • Written Comments: Submit electronically via email to
    board​​ When possible, written comments should be submitted at least one day prior to the meeting.

​​Public comments on matters under the jurisdiction of the Board of Directors will be acknowledged by the Chairperson during the meeting. Comments can be submitted until the meeting is adjourned and will be distributed to the Board of Directors and included in the official record.​

If several members of the public wish to address the Board on a specific item, the Chair will announce at the beginning of the meeting the maximum amount of time allowed for testimony.​

​Matters within the jurisdiction of the Board and not on the posted agenda may be addressed by the general public immediately prior to the close of the meeting. The Board limits testimony on such matters to five minutes per person and 15 minutes per subject.​

*Assistive listening devices are available for use by members of the public attending meetings in person. Please contact the Clerk of the Board for additional information.​

​Additiona​​l R​esources

​​​​​Meeting Broadcast

Meetings are broadcast live without interruption on Metro Cable 14, the government affairs channel on Comcast and AT&T U-Verse ​Cable Systems.

Rules of​​​ Procedure

Downlo​​​​ad the R​ules of Procedure adopted by the Sac Metro Air District Board of Directors​ to ensure the orderly and effective conduct of its meetings.​​


For general meeting information or information regarding meeting agendas, please contact the Clerk of the Board by telephone at 279-207-1122 or by email at board​​

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