Wildfire Smoke Air Pollution Emergency Plan adopted September 2022. Click here to see the full plan.
After the devastating wildfire season in 2018, Assembly Bill 661 (K. McCarty, 2019) was signed into state law. The legislation mandates the Sac Metro Air District develop a Wildfire Smoke Air Pollution Emergency Plan in full collaboration with the Sacramento County Health Officer and consultation with other agencies - local emergency services offices, school districts, and the California Air Resources Board (CARB). The plan serves as an information resource for Sacramento schools, local agencies, businesses, and the public during wildfire smoke air pollution emergencies. The plan specifically addresses these main elements:
- Health protective recommendations and guidelines at different tiers of air quality
- Clear designation of responsible agencies and their respective roles and actions
- Recommendations and best practices for businesses and public agencies
- Strategies for vulnerable populations
The Emergency Plan was adopted by the Sac Metro Air District Board on September 22, 2022. To view the Emergency Plan, click here. Other tools available include Air Quality Action Charts, an informational video for schools, a wildfire smoke partner toolkit, and other useful outreach flyers. Annual summaries of Emergency Plan efforts submitted to AB 661 author, Assemblymember Kevin McCarty, are also available:
2020 Status Update
2021 Status Update
Survey of Local Businesses, Public Agencies and Non-Profit Organizations
As part of the Emergency Plan development process, the Sac Metro Air District performed a survey of business, public agency, and non-profit sectors in Sacramento County to find out how wildfire smoke events impact them and how they respond to protect their employees from excess exposure to smoke. To see the results of this survey,
click here.