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SECAT Program


Status: Closed

The Sacramento Emergency Clean Air Transportation (SECAT) Program is a partnership between the Sac Metro Air District and the Sacramento Area Council of Governments (SACOG). The program's goal is to promote zero emission on-road vehicles based in the SACOG region. 

For this solicitation, $9,500,000 will be made available for applicants in the SACOG region. Only zero emission vehicle applications are eligible under this solicitation. The SECAT Program will continue to fund $100,000 per replacement zero emission heavy duty vehicle. New in 2024, government and non-profit organizations can receive up to $35,000 towards the purchase of a light or medium-duty zero emission vehicle.

The solicitation announcement for this funding cycle is available here. It includes the details for the funding amounts for each vehicle and county. Light duty vehicles can receive up to $20,000. Medium duty vehicles can receive up to $35,000. Heavy duty vehicles will continue to receive up to $100,000. Applicants based in Placer County can only purchase vehicles with a Gross Vehicle Weight Rating over 6,000 lbs.

Funds may still be combined with HVIP funding. Applications will be reviewed under the traditional first-come, first-served program as described in the Project Selection and Funding section of this document.

The online application for SECAT is available here.

You can download the SECAT Vehicle Information Excel spreadsheet here. It is required for all applications and should be completed prior to application. 

The SECAT Program no longer funds the purchase of conventional diesel vehicles. Only zero emission vehicles using battery-electric or hydrogen fuel cell technology are eligible. No funding is available to help replace diesel vehicles to comply with the ARB Truck & Bus Regulation. SECAT funded vehicles cannot be used to comply with ARB Advanced Clean Fleet requirements.

Background Information

In 2000, the SECAT Program received $66 million to reduce emissions released from heavy-duty vehicles in the SFNA by providing incentives to offset the costs of purchasing lower-emission technologies and an additional $4 million used by SACOG to help replace old diesel transit buses – totaling $70 million in funding from the state Traffic Congestion Relief Fund ($50 million) and the federal Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality (CMAQ) funding program ($20 million). This program was originally created by California Assembly Bill (AB) 2511 to help assure that the Sacramento Federal Nonattainment Area (SFNA) would meet its commitments under the State Implementation Plan (SIP) for air quality attainment. 

In 2008, the SECAT Program received an additional $3.2 million in federal CMAQ funds with additional allocations on a yearly basis, which will be primarily used for projects that benefit the Sacramento region through improved air quality. Projects will need to demonstrate reductions in oxides of nitrogen (NOx) emissions, but the program will also result in additional greenhouse gas reductions to meet regional, state, and federal targets.

The SMAQMD now has program and fiscal control of the SECAT program under oversight from SACOG. Agreements funded by SACOG under previous guidelines are now fully administered by the SMAQMD with most covered by the provisions of these guidelines as outlined in the memorandum of agreement between the agencies. Funding will now be allocated to the six counties in the SACOG region based on the population of each county.

The SECAT Program will now encourage the displacement of conventional trucks and buses with zero emission vehicles without scrapping an existing vehicle. This will allow regional fleets to better leverage state and federal grants and promote the technology in the region. As part of other efforts with the SMAQMD and SACOG, these vehicles will play a key role in meeting regional commitments to greenhouse gas and community air protection goals.

For more details about SECAT, please review the guidelines below:

2023 SECAT Guidelines

Application Process

The application period opens on May 9, 2024. Applicants will enter most of the information through the online form found on each program page and upload attachments as needed for each funding stream. Once complete, applicants will receive an email showing their application was received. The Sac Metro Air District recommends that applicants keep a copy of all application records. It is also recommended that applicants use a PDF app for their Apple or Android phones that can convert pictures into PDF to make the process easier.

Projects with an award greater than $1 million will require approval by the Sac Metro Air District Board of Directors. This may delay projects as the board meets monthly.

Applications missing information may be given 30 days to submit any incomplete or ineligible documents. Staff may also request additional information from applicants if needed to evaluate the project. In some cases, the applicant will be offered an award lower than the amount requested in the application or the maximum grant for the project. This reduction is done if the Sac Metro Air District does not have enough funding for the project or staff determines that the application does not qualify for full funding.

If selected for funding, applicants will enter into a funding agreement with the Sac Metro Air District. The agreement will match the individual or business entity listed on the application and Payee Data Record.

Applicants must be compliant with state and local air quality regulations and will be checked. Most agreements have a term of 3 years with annual reporting requirements and penalties for non-compliance. Participants can transfer their agreements to other parties if in the best interest of air quality in the region. On-road vehicle projects require the Sac Metro Air District to be listed a lien holder on the title. These are released at the end of the agreement.

For this solicitation, projects must be delivered within 180 days of approval. All zero emission vehicles funded under this solicitation must be ready for delivery with no delays. This may mean that certain vehicles or technologies may not be eligible for SECAT funding if the estimated delivery is months or years in the future. Applicants should also have charging infrastructure installed at their facility or be able to use existing public charging infrastructure.

Applications not selected for funding will be placed in a pending file for future funding opportunities. If an applicant does not want their application to be held, she or he must contact the Sac Metro Air District to withdraw their application. The Sac Metro Air District may also forward applications to other agencies who may have funding for the project. Please contact staff if you have any questions about the application process.

Please ensure that your application includes the following documents scanned into PDF format to attach to your online application:

  1. Completed Online Incentive Application

  2. Vendor Payee Data Record

  3. Zero Emission Vehicle Price Quote and Specification Sheet

The online application link is available here. Paper applications will not be accepted. If you have questions regarding the SECAT guidelines, please contact Kristian Damkier, or Gina O'Neal using the links below.

Status: Closed

SECAT Frequently Asked Questions

1. Is the applicant REQUIRED to REPLACE a vehicle to participate in the program?

2. Are there minimum qualifications for the existing vehicle?

3. Does the existing vehicle have to be SCRAPPED? Or just taken out of service?

4. If combined with HVIP funding, can the SECAT grant be applied to taxes and fees charged for the new vehicle?

5. Are the reporting requirements similar to the previous round - are participants required to return annual usage reports at least once a year or install Electronic Monitoring Units (EMU's)?

6. Are vehicle leases eligible for funding?

7. What is the maximum amount of funding an applicant may receive?

8. It’s noted that applicants should have charging infrastructure at their facility or be able to use existing public charging infrastructure. Does this mean funding is only available for heavy-duty BEVs? What about heavy-duty hydrogen FCEVs? If they qualify for funding, would they need to have hydrogen fueling in their property or be able to use public hydrogen fueling (if available)?

9. Are any dealerships in the eligible counties able to deliver trucks for SECAT funding? Do they have to complete any training or sign any agreement to participate?

10. Regarding vehicle leasing, the SECAT guidelines document mention that all leases must be from an approved leasing company. Is there a public document that lists the approved leasing companies? Would SECAT consider funding deals where the OEM acts as lessor?

11. Does SECAT fund used Zero-Emission vehicles?

12. I have already issued a PO to order vehicles that would qualify for SECAT funds, am i able to apply for SECAT to assist in paying for these vehicles?

13.    “SECAT funded vehicles cannot be used to comply with ARB Advanced Clean Fleet requirements.” Since all vehicles in our fleet over 8,500 need to be reported to CARB under ACF, how will SECAT vehicles somehow be “quarantined” from that reporting. I am trying to understand this requirement and how they will actually be excluded from ACF.?

14. Will the application be reviewed and awarded right after it’s received or will be reviewed and awarded together after Nov 2024? For example, if a school district applied in May, will the AQMD announce its award in June or wait until after November?

15. Can we stack SECAT with HVIP set aside? Including the HVIP SB114 incentive?

16. Please clarify the difference between who may apply for Heavy-Duty vs. Light-Duty and Medium Duty vehicles?

17. I am a non-profit who would like to purchase three light duty vehicles, do I qualify to apply to SECAT?


Gina O'Neal

Associate Air Quality Planner

Business Phone
Sac Metro Air District

Kristian Damkier

Associate Air Quality Engineer

Business Phone
Sac Metro Air District

Oli Barragan

Air Quality Engineer

Business Phone
Sac Metro Air District

Documents / Forms

Application Forms

Payee Data Record and ACH Forms required for vendors

2018 SECAT Guidelines
Incentive Program Page
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