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Asbestos in Soil

  • Phone asbestos consultation will be available Monday through Fri​day, 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM. Call 279-207-1122 (choose option 6 for the asbestos unit).​

  • Submit completed Asbestos Dust Mitigation Plans or Geological Evaluations by going to our Online Services​ portal via

  • Review and response will occur within 2 business days of submittal.

Why is Asbestos in Soil Regulated?

Asbestos can be found naturally in soils. To reduce exposure to asbestos when these soils are disturbed the California Air Resource Board (CARB) adopted the Airborne Toxic Control Measure (ATCM) for Construction, Grading, Quarrying and Surface Mining Operations. This statewide regulation is applicable to grading or any other projects disturbing soil in areas of California where asbestos may exist, as determined by the California Geological Survey (CGS). The ATCM applies to any size construction project although there are additional notification requirements for projects that exceed one acre.

Areas and parcels moderately likely to contain naturally occurring asbestos are located in the eastern parts of Sacramento County, Folsom and Rancho Murieta, as indicated in the map (click here to view map). Parcels subject to the ATCM are shaded in pink on the map. 

Prior to any construction, owners or operators must either apply for an Asbestos Dust Mitigation Plan (ADMP)​ or test out of the ATCM requirements with a Geologic Evaluation. ADMPs and requests for geologic evaluations can be submitted via the online services portal at​


Naturally Occurring Asbestos Fees

Each ADMP or geologic evaluation submitted must be accompanied by a fee.  The following fee schedule shall apply to persons required to comply with Title 17 of the California Code of Regulations, section 93105, Asbestos Air Toxic Control Measure for Construction, Grading, Quarrying, and Surface Mining Operations or a control measure adopted pursuant to Health and Safety Code Section 39666(d):

  • For each asbestos dust mitigation plan submitted to the Sac Metro Air District, the fee will be $535.43 plus $28.12 per acre.
  • For each geologic evaluation submitted to the District, the fee shall be $692.73​.
  • Rule 304 Plan Fees

Inspection Fees

The following inspection fees shall apply:

  • For each project greater than one (1.0) acre for which a dust mitigation plan is submitted, the inspection fee shall be $28.12 per acre, due at the time the plan is submitted. Once a project has begun, an increase in the acreage may be made and the corresponding per-acre fee must be paid. If actual inspections require more than 18 hours per 100 acres, an additional fee of $176.04 per hour may be assessed.
  • For each project for which a dust mitigation plan has not been submitted, the time and materials rate for inspections shall be $176.04 per hour. This fee shall not apply to projects of one (1.0) acre or less.
  • If the inspection fee was not paid when the dust mitigation plan was submitted, then it is due and payable upon inspection.

Analysis Fee

Whenever the Air Pollution Control Officer finds that analysis or sample collection is necessary, the cost of making the analysis, collecting samples, and preparing the necessary reports shall be charged against the owner or operator. The Air Pollution Control Officer shall provide an estimate of the actual cost of such work. The owner or operator may request a conference with the Air Pollution Control Officer to review the cost estimate and may provide additional information that would reduce the time spent by the Air Pollution Control Officer in performing an analysis. The Air Pollution Control Officer's cost estimate shall be reduced accordingly.

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